Entity Removal
Energy Clearing
Realm Reading
A collection of stories and information
the author has accumulated from
crossing over thousands of souls. This
book was written to inform about the
afterlife, remove common fears
associated with death, and help readers
prepare for their own afterlife. The
information that is presented is based
upon the knowledge the author
received from Spirit Source and also by
assisting souls in crossing over.
Easy to Understand
Diagrams on Energy
Clearing Methods.
It would be helpful if we knew when and
where we are going to physically die. We
could then prepare ourselves, say goodbye to
loved ones, and perhaps make peace with
someone in order to clear any karma. For
many people, this is not the case. Many
people die completely unprepared for the
I was prompted to write this book from my
experiences working with departed souls. I am
a spiritual medium with the ability to see, feel,
and hear energy above the normal range. I
was born with these gifts and I choose to use
them to help other people. Over the years I’ve
honed my skills through practicing meditation,
training with other psychics, crossing over
thousands of souls, and learning how to clear
damaging energy fields from people.
Subtle Energy and the World We Experience is an informational
guide with easy, step-by-step exercises for all ages to use the
basics of subtle energy; you can:
Also Included:
If you’ve ever wished you could change but found yourself
thinking and doing in the same old patterns; desired to make
a big change but felt fearful or hesitant to do so; or wondered
why things happen (or don’t) the way they do, this book is
for you. The author comes from a Christian perspective of more
than twenty-five years and explains how subtle energy operates
in the area of religious persuasion, and how to get free from its
influence to reach a higher potential and live a more meaningful